Erasmus+ Klassisches Gymnasium  Oktober 20

Das Erasmusplusprojekt „Demokratie und ihre Gefährdungen“ stand kurz vor dem Abschluss, als uns der Frühjahrslockdown erreichte. Das letzte Treffen, das Evaluationstreffen zu diesem Projekt auf Kreta, ist aufgeschoben worden, wir dürfen es irgendwann nachholen, sobald uns die Coronakrise etwas Spielraum gibt.

Gleichzeitig ist uns auch ein weiteres, ein neues Projekt genehmigt worden, mit teilweise den alten Partnerschulen, wir habe aber auch eine neue Partnerschule gewinnen können. Das neue Thema heißt „Minderheiten“ und soll wieder aus ganz unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln und Perspektiven angegangen werden. München, Amsterdam, Thessaloniki, eine Schule aus Siebenbürgen und Bozen werden mit ihren Schülern und Partnerinstitutionen Neues entdecken und wollen diesmal auch eine kleine Publikation zum Thema erstellen. Wir freuen uns schon auf das Projekt, das im Moment nur on-line vororganisiert werden kann. Die konkreten und für die SchülerInnen so wichtigen Treffen in den verschiedenen Partnerstädten werden leider noch etwas auf sich warten lassen.

In der Zwischenzeit möchten wir einige Rückmeldungen unserer SchülerInnen zu dem Projekt „Demokratie und ihre Gefährdungen“ auf unsere Homepage stellen und sie auch den zuständigen Ämtern in der EU zukommen lassen.

Der Grad der Zufriedenheit ist sehr, sehr hoch – auch aus der Sicht der Schulführungskraft sind solche Projekte nicht zu unterschätzen, weil sie den Blick über den Tellerrand ermöglichen, neue Kontakte innerhalb der EU ermöglichen und die SchülerInnen in neuen Kontexten konkret anwenden und erproben lassen, was sie im Regelunterricht gelernt und aufgebaut haben.

ErasmusplusProject short survey

“Democracy and Its Endangerment”

Would you evaluate your experience on this project in a positive or negative way? Give reasons for your answer, please.

Stud 1: This project was a very positive experience, because we had the possibility to speak about an important topic with students from other countries.

Stud 2: Positive, through the Erasmusplus project I have learned much about politics and rhetoric. Many of my international friendships started during the meetings in Thessaloniki and Bolzano.

Stud. 3: I would describe this experience as very positive, because you have the opportunity to meet so many new people and to visit new places.

How would you describe the general mood during the project?

Stud 1: The atmosphere was positive and relaxing and everyone was motivated to contribute.

Stud 2: The atmosphere was always very friendly and warm. We could discuss political ideas and concepts without getting in confrontations with each other’s. Teachers and students were always polite and helpful.

Stud 3: The atmosphere during the project was relaxed and funny, the people were motivated and concentrated, so it was very nice

If possible (given the actual circumstances), would you still take part in a meeting in Crete?

Stud 1: Yes, I would participate with pleasure.

Stud 2: I would love to go, to see all of my international friends again, to discuss with them and to learn and discuss again about democracy and the importance of the European idea. I’ve always had a great time during the project.

Stud 3: Yes, I would.

Did the communication language correspond to your linguistic level? Did you have difficulties at expressing your opinions and ideas during the project?

Stud 1: The level was adequate. I had no difficulties at expressing myself.

Stud 2: No not really, all the students more or less shared the same level of knowledge of the English language so communication was pretty easy.

Stud 3: In my opinion the English level was alright, everyone spoke a good and understandable English, so I had no problems understanding and speaking.

Did you feel free to express your opinion? Or did you feel anyhow limited by the atmosphere and/or by any other participant at the meetings?

Stud 1: I was able to give my personal contribution expressing my own ideas without restrictions.

Stud 2: No, not at all. At the beginning of the project we had to introduce ourselves to the other students and teachers, and I grabbed that opportunity to hold a speech about my dream of a united Europe holding up the European flag. I was pretty nervous because I did not know if everyone would agree with me, but it turned out pretty well. Everybody was supportive and even after Thessaloniki I still got messages of approval via e-mail and Instagram.

Stud 3: Yes, I had no problems sharing my opinions with the others, because the atmosphere and the people there were welcoming.

Did you build up a good relationship to the fellow students? Have YOU built up any deeper relationship to anyone?

Stud 1: Maybe it was a little bit inconvenient that the other students were younger than us, nevertheless we built a friendship with nearly all of them.

Stud 2: Still today I have contact with many people from all over Europe. Many international friendships were born during this project.

Stud 3: Yes, most of them were very nice and friendly, and I was able to connect with some people, who I am still in contact today.

Would you like to change anything in the project? What could be improved? What did you like the most/the least?

Stud 1: To be honest, I wouldn’t change anything. It was the best school project I’ve ever taken part in and I don’t remember any negative aspects.

Stud 2: I liked it as it was. It would be even better to do more international projects.

Stud 3: Personally, I don’t think there is so much that should be changed, I really liked it as it was. The only thing maybe would be a little bit more time to get to know one another better.

Do you remember any image/speech/quotation which deeply attracted your attention/stimulated your reflections? Do you sometimes think about the topic of democracy (and its endangerment)? Do you ever discuss the issue with other people?

Stud 1: I remember a very interesting quote by Mark Twain:

“If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it.”

I often speak about democracy with my friends, parents and schoolmates.

Stud 2: Yes, the project empowered me even more to believe in a strong, united and democratic Europe.

Stud 3: I really liked the day we talked about political speeches; it was very interesting. And yes, I often think about Democracy because nowadays we get confronted with many different forms of government, and we often talk about that in class.